At 09:00 hrs Monkmoor Post Office reopensresize-wizard-26po after an extensive make-over, I am pleased to be able to show you what the new counter area as well as the shop looks like before it opens.

I know that the closure over the past couple of weeks has caused many local people a problem, but I think that when everyone sees the new counters and extra space it has made then the hassle of the past will be forgiven.

Below is a pictorial of the counter and shop.

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The picture below shows the counter that will be for use when the main Post Office is closed, as it will be open for the use of the public all the time that the store is open seven days a week. I have been informed that due to a problem this counter will not come on-line for another two weeks.

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I hope that you will all find that the new look Post Office works well for you all and I know that they are looking forward to your custom.



Please remember to vote in this election as every vote will count and I hope that people will turn out.

I will be in this part of the Blog pushing myself forward and I am asking the residents of Monkmoor to please loan me your vote and elect me for the next four years as your Councillor.

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Sorry about the picture!

It is easy when you are in the opposition party to have time to walk around the ward when you do not have Council business to address, or personal visits to residents homes. It is also easy to promise that you will fight for this or that, the reality is if you are the opposition then that is where you stay your words fall on deaf ears, unless you are saying the same things as a member of the administration is after. This was the first thing I noticed and found out when the Unitary was formed. If you want things done then you vote for the person who will;

First off place the ward they represent first, with me that is Monkmoor and that is what I do, and do it even if I have to go against my own party.

Second, Is someone who knows their way around and has got things done within their ward. That I have done and would continue to do so.

Third is to have a proven track record. I also have that.

I could go on but that would bore everyone. The message I would like to put out is this. Over the past few weeks I have continued to carry out my commitment in attending meetings of committees that I sit on to ensure that you get your voice listened to.

I have also tried not to knock on to many doors as I know from residents that they do not like answering their doors when they are at home alone, they also do not like being pulled away from cooking the dinner or watching their soaps for some political clap trap (their words not mine).  My preferred option is to walk around an area on a Saturday or Sunday morning and whilst noticing pot holes or curb out of line I meet and talk to residents and get their take on what I could do to sort this out or fix that, I also get the chance to meet and talk with the younger residents and see what their needs are. I also go out on foot patrols around the ward at night, now that is a challenge. I also go out on patrols with the Town Centre Police, finding out what our nightlife is like. Yes I do complete the full shift before you ask.

I will continue if elected to run my monkmoor in touch web-site as a way of giving news to residents in a quick and carbon efficient way, less re-cycling of paper, but I will run hard copies of monkmoor in touch when we have issues to address within certain areas, like I did when we fought against the mobile phone mast in Belvidere Road. An area specific issue sent out to those affected within that certain area and we won our case and the phone people accepted defeat. Job Done.

The same thing happened with getting the yellow lines in and around the area of the police station as the parking in Forest Way was dangerous, again we won and the police had to find alternative parking places within their grounds.

Another example was when the latest development on the Eskdale House site was in the consultation period I ran a micro run of the Newsletter to inform the residents affected to see what they felt, got their response and was able to get the plans altered to come up with a workable alternative that most people agreed on.

I could give many more instances where this has happened but in truth I do this as every part of Monkmoor has its own problems, issues and identity, I am pleased to accept this as it reflects the great diverse community that we live in and produce leaflets that change within the ward to reflect those issues and concerns. Most people want to know about something if it is going to affect them, that is what I try to give.

I will hold my hand up and say that there was a period when you did not see me about as much as normal, that was the two year period whilst I was Deputy Mayor and then Mayor, although I did attend as many functions within the area as I was asked to as well as ensuring that Monkmoor never got left behind. I also was able to adjust the diary so that we visited all of the schools within Monkmoor fully dressed in robes with the State Sword and selected pieces of towns silver. I only missed one meeting due to Mayoral engagements, not bad after attending over 520 engagements in the year as Mayor of Shrewsbury and around 230 engagements the previous year as Deputy Mayor even if saying so myself, almost all engagements my wife attended with me. That she did so after saying to me when I first got elected in 2005 “Do not ever ever come home and tell me you are going to be Mayor”.  The rest as they say is history.

It would be an honour to serve Monkmoor for another four years, and if you do elect me I know that I would return to the Shirehall a stronger Councillor for Monkmoor, as it does take a long time to get to know your way around as Shropshire Council is a very large organisation.

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Please before you vote THINK LOCAL & VOTE LOCAL

Thank you



Posted in BBC Radio Shropshire, Mayor of Shrewsbury official blog, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury Business Chamber, Shrewsbury Conservatives, Shrewsbury Town Council, Shropshire, Shropshire Council, Shropshire Live, Shropshire Star | Leave a comment



The below is taken from the Shropshire Chronicle web site and posted on the 3rd October 2008.

Action on crack den

The corner of a town park, which has been branded a ‘crack den’, is being cleared up today to reduce anti-social behaviour ahead of the launch of a new youth club.

The tidy up of Upton Lane recreation area, which is the site of the relocated Monkmoor Youth Club and has a toddlers’ play area and BMX track, is being undertaken by a team from the Probation Service.

The action is being taken as a section of the park regularly has to be cleared of needles, foil and other drugs paraphernalia as well as fly-tipped furniture, according to borough councillor Tony Durnell. 

It has become a problem, he said, because drug users can hide behind trees and bushes at the back of residents’ houses on Hinton Drive.

Councillor Durnell also wants to secure funds to maintain the BMX track and for more play equipment.

“Every week we are having to go and clear out a crack den which is behind bushes at Upton Lane. The other day there was a settee that had been dumped there and we found lots of silver foil, drinks bottles and a couple of syringes there. I’ve also removed bongs too,” he said.

“Upton Lane Youth Lodge is only 150 yards away and it’s really unpleasant for the residents on Hinton Drive who have to put up with anti-social behaviour.

“The idea is to pull out the old hedge and reduce the foliage so these people can’t hide and they can be seen by everyone.”

Dave Hopkins, headteacher of BelviderePrimary School, which backs on to the park, said: “We do, at times, have to remove broken glass and rubbish from the top of our playing field. If we have concerns about individuals in the park we keep the children further away from the railings between the park and school.”

Gary Farmer, Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council horticultural services manager, said: “We will be crown raising some established trees, cutting back long vegetation, strimming grass and removing any detritus and rubbish this month.

“The community can then get involved to do more of a clean-up as part of the launch of the new youth club.”

PC Di Langford, local policing officer for Monkmoor, said the matter had been reported and officers had removed any matter relating to drugs.  Local police are keeping an eye on the area and carrying out extra patrols where possible.


Below are some pictures of the area when the new track was installed and how it looks now. From Crack Den to a Community used Track, took just a few months and around £14,000. This investment in the youth of the area also gave back a better quality of life to many of the elderly who lived within the area, as the young had somewhere else to hang around instead of the streets.

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Below is what the Shrewsbury Chronicle wrote in an article on their Web-Site on 2nd April 2009, just six months after it was agreed to remove the Crack Den and Anti-social Behaviour from Upton Lane and make it a better environment for the New Upton Lane Youth Club when it was built.

Youngsters test stunt skillstri-cycling-course-bmx-upton-lane3_200x133

A revamped BMX track in Monkmoor is attracting hundreds of youngsters who are keen to test their stunt skills.

The course at Upton Lane has been rebuilt as part of renovation works to the whole park. 

The £14,000 clean up has taken more than six months and was instigated by former borough councillor for the ward, Tony Durnell.

He said the new track was proving to be a huge success with children in the area and that he counted 109 young people there last Saturday.

He said: “The response has been amazing. The track is in use before and after school and every weekend – it keeps young people occupied and out of trouble and that has benefits for all the residents of Monkmoor.”

According to Mr Durnell, the transformation of the rundown park is just the first stage in the process of providing more community facilities.

He said: “I want to stress that this is still a work in progress. The next stage is to start a BMX club for the area, and then we want to upgrade the toddlers’ play area and bring the football field back into use.

“BelvidereSchool has offered us space to site a shed so that we can securely store equipment and BMX bikes but we are in need of funds to achieve this. 

“We are looking for £5,000 to buy new bikes and safety equipment so that the young people who join the club can use safe modern bikes, as many do not own BMX bikes and that can lead to problems.” Mr Durnell has managed to secure £800 to start the fund but has urged anyone who would like to make a donation to get in touch with him on 01743 232985 or e-mail

He added that more waste bins were due to be put up in the park and that the local policing team would be spending time in the Upton Lane area to engage with youngsters.

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This was the next part to work on, as the fence around the play area was wooden and had rotted so much that it allowed dogs inside and that was not a good idea. I do not have any pictures of the old being replaced with the new metal railings that is dog proof, as long as dog owners do not put them inside there to save them running off, this has been seen to be done and the dog warden has taken it upon themselves to address this with some of the known owners. The next phase of the area is to replace the existing play equipment with some new and more exciting things for our toddles to play on.


This path was built because the Princes Trust came to me and asked if I had a project that they could do, as I had been very supportive of their cause when I was the Mayor of Shrewsbury 2011/12. 

I had already had many complaints from many areas of Monkmoor and other wards that their children walking to school got their clothes and shoes dirty when they crossed the recreation area on their way to school. With this in mind I asked the Town Council if this would be ok, and we carried out a survey/consultation period within the community and we had a positive response and then gave the Princes Trust the go ahead.

They had a gang of young volunteers who had to get the funding and materials together put together a project plan, business plan and set up the work schedule. They showed this to the Town Council and received the go ahead, and I must say they worked wonders, they received a really good warm welcome from the users of the area as well as the residents. Many people were shocked to find out that these youngsters were volunteers and not young people on community court orders. Below are some pictures taken whilst they were constructing the path all 197 metres of it, all by hand, that is spade work to you and me.

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The young volunteers from the Princes Trust pictured above after I made them stop for a while to get their picture. They just wanted to keep working and I must say that they are a great bunch of people.

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From the Play area to the Shaw Road entrance of the area the path takes on the shape of a dogs hind leg, the reason behind this is that over the next few phases I have plans to get the football pitch back in use along with changing facilities, also in other phases it is planned to have a trim track as well as a rounders pitch laid out, so like I said before this is work in progress. part of my THINK LOCAL campaign.

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Above the finished path from the Twyfords Way/Shaw Road end towards the BMX and play area.

Whilst they were on site they noticed the BMX Track had some wear in places and they helped to reinstate that before they finished up, a really fantastic crew of Guys and Gals.

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The condition of the track through constant use was like this all around the circuit, so they had their work cut out to fix it all, but they did.

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Well I had to get in on the pictures at some point, I need all the advertising I can get. I would really like to say a big thank you to the guys and gals from the Princes Trust for all of the hard work that they did in Upton Lane and I do know that they will be back to help out again because of the way you the residents welcomed into the area. Thank you from me and the Princes Trust for you care and support to the young volunteers who have made a difference to the quality of life for those who use this area.

It has been a long post but I feel it was worth while to document what those young people have done to help us get closer to having a really fantastic area for recreation within Monkmoor, also to remind people that we have to keep moving with the times and make sure we do not let history repeat itself.

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Thank you for taking the time to read my blog on Monkmoor.



Posted in BBC Radio Shropshire, Mayor of Shrewsbury official blog, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury Business Chamber, Shrewsbury Conservatives, Shrewsbury Town Council, Shropshire, Shropshire Council, Shropshire Live, Shropshire Playing Fields Assn, Shropshire Star, The Princes Trust | Leave a comment



Many people get confused over what defines Monkmoor within the political boundary system. Well I will try to explain, it can be a little hard to understand when people talk about places such as Monkmoor Recreation Ground, because in actual fact Monkmoor Recreation Ground is in the Underdale Ward, not the Monkmoor Ward. Also Severnside Housing will use the Post Code system and therefore Bridgford Way and Armdale in their books is Monkmoor where in reality they are, yes you have it in Underdale also. Upton Lane Recreation Ground is in Monkmoor as is Belvidere Paddocks Countryside Heritage Site.

The middle of Monkmoor Road from St Peters Church to The Sewage Farm is the Northern Boundary Line between Underdale and Monkmoor. The Western Boundary is Robertson Way  from Monkmoor Road Bridge to The Railway Bridge by the Crowmere Road traffic island. The Southern Boundary is the Railway Line from The Road Bridge near to the Crowmere Road traffic island all the way to the River Severn Railway Bridge. And the Eastern Boundary is the River Severn from the Railway Bridge to the Field near to the Sewage Farm entrance. I hope that this helps as many from outside of the area and some within get confused at times.

Below is a map of the area for you to look at and fully see where those boundaries are and where you sit within the area covered. I hope it will be of help, as many people who live in Monkmoor and contact me thinking I am their Councillor only to be told by me that in fact you may live in Monkmoor but you actually live within the Underdale Ward. hence you need to talk with the Coouncillor for that area. Don’t worry because many Shropshire Council along with other agencies get mixed up over this issue. 


Do Not forget to vote on the 2nd May. You should vote at one of the two voting stations, one is at Crowmoor School and that is on Crowmere Road, the other is at Belvicere Primary School and that is off Tenbury Drive, off Shaw Road or from the other way off Galton Drive. Please remember to      


             VOTE FOR                           



Below are pictures taken of Upton Lane Recreation Ground from The Chilterns Estate end.

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The pictures below show the Belvidere Paddocks Heritage Countryside Site. I know for a fact that many people who live in Monkmoor do not know where this area is and I do say it is a fantastic place to walk your dog, or just go for a walk without a dog. There is a path that leads from Manor Way through the Countryside site and onto the lower end of Coseley Avenue and out onto the riverside path that will bring you out onto the very top of Monkmoor Road.

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The picture above is taken looking back at Manor Way from the entrance to the Countryside Heritage Site.  

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and found the explanation of what defined the boundary for Monkmoor Ward enlightening. 

Please remember when voting on Thursday 2nd May that if you lend me your vote then I will be thinking Local and working Local. I can not say if any of the other candidates would be allowed to vote against their party if they wanted to. All I can say is that yes I am allowed to vote any way that suites Monkmoor and I have done so many times over the past four years.

I have a proven track record of working for Monkmoor for many years before I became your Councillor and have continued to do so ever since you loaned me your vote and made me your Councillor four years ago. Please loan me your vote at this election again and you will be well represented in Council


Thank you




Posted in BBC Radio Shropshire, Mayor of Shrewsbury official blog, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury BID, Shrewsbury Business Chamber, Shrewsbury Conservatives, Shrewsbury Town Council, Shropshire, Shropshire Council, Shropshire Live, Shropshire Playing Fields Assn, Shropshire Star, Uncategorized | Leave a comment




The Monkmoor Post Office is now closed for refurbishment, but the Shop is still open for business and I hope that you do continue to use the shop whilst the Post Office is closed for a couple of weeks.


By seeing what the refurbishments that the Post Office have done at other outlets I feel that it will be worth the wait and disturbance to  your normal routine. The Post Office Cash Machines are still working so you do not have to travel any further to access your money. The cash machines are monitored by the stores CCTV system.

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The new surface has been laid and the groundwork and seeding each side of the cycle/footpath is almost complete. Below is a small pictorial showing various views from along the route. I hope you will be able to see how much it has improved this very well used route to schools as well as relaxed walks.

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I have received nothing but praise for the cycle/footpath from both parents, students and cyclists, I have also received positive feedback from disabled users who find it much easier to take their scooters along a clean safe route rather than the more dangerous previous route along Galton Drive and Conway Drive.

With this cycle/footpath along with the new path across Upton Lane field students who attend at least three schools can now use this route without getting dirty and or wet feet in bad weather, meaning more happy residents.

Another case for Thinking Local and Voting Local. Keep national politics until the General Election, enabling us the Local representatives to get on with the job at hand.

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There are many positive things starting to happen within Shrewsbury. At a business meeting that I attended this evening it was stated that there is an uptrend in trade within the town and hotel bookings for the summer was looking very good. If we can increase tourism trade then that in turn should increase job prospects to handle the extra work that tourism generates.

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Please click on the following link to go to the Prince Rupert Hotel Web-Site. Thank you:



It was also stated that it was a shame that the bus company has just put up their prices meaning a return trip from Conway Drive shops costing £4:00

I could travel by car use a car park and save money against the cost of a bus ticket, door to door at that. Now that is wrong, but the bus company has its own agenda, yet it does seem to me that if the price of parking goes up, the bus company increase their ticket price, also they have withdrawn the return ticket, so the passenger lose out yet again. More needs to be 2030_11_8_thumbdone after the elections to try and address this, and if you are kind enough to re-elect me then I promise to take this up through both the Business Chamber as well as talking to the bus company in person. I did have a hand in getting the Sunday buses running again first in Shrewsbury and then over the coming months it will be rolled out across the County. One of the jobs I was handed as part of my position on the Shrewsbury Business Chamber.

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I hope to post some more interesting Bits & Pieces on the Blog soon, So please keep coming back and see what is happening around the town as well as within Monkmoor.




Please click on the following link to go to the Shrewsbury Business Chamber Web-Site. Thank you:

Posted in BBC Radio Shropshire, Mayor of Shrewsbury official blog, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury BID, Shrewsbury Business Chamber, Shrewsbury Town Council, Shropshire, Shropshire Council, Shropshire Live, Shropshire Star | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment



Please do not get carried away on National Resize Wizard-11Government Policies at Local Elections, Please vote for the person who has a track record of getting things done within your area, within your town, not just talk about what they may do. I am being fair here as I write this, it may be a Tory, Labour or a Lib/Dem or any other candidate who does that in your area. Just as long as you think past the National Government and focus on the Local Authorities, what they are there to do for you the residents, then you can work out if they are right for that task. If you get a yes to most of your requirements then you should have a decent Councillor working for you, Please don’t vote for the party that seems to cry out about how bad the Government is doing and what they would do if they were in charge of the Country. We are all in this together and 2015 will be the time to think along those lines.

The present, the here and now politics are all about Thinking Local and Voting Local, meaning a person who is local, who understands the local issues, who can walk the walk as well as talk the talk. Someone who has a long history within this Community, A person who worked for years in this Community before getting involved in the party politics, That is the type of person you know will not walk away if the going gets tough, that is the person who will stand against their own Party when they have to if needs be, so that their community is fairly represented. I am passionate about this and got into politics believing .I could take politics out of Local Government, but I found too many wannabe MPs amongst the elected members to enable me to do that, so I fight my own corner for my Community. I have the Leaders ear if I want to do something and there I will leave that thread as that is another item that will become another page in this post on this Blog.

An explanation of where I came from and how I know the three sides of the political field, I think is due otherwise It may sound more as a rant than as someone with the knowledge and experience to back up my points.

I know what it is like to work in the Monkmoor ward trying to help people with their issues, problems and concerns long before I joined a political party. (I have to add here that all three main political parties approached me in 2003 to join their party as they knew how hard I was working for the Community and wanted me on their side in case I stood against them) I joined the Lib/Dem party and became the Constituency Chairman but I could not work within the party, due to a few of their members methods and that was affecting what I could get done for my residents, “those who elected me“, so after three years as a Lib/Dem Councillor and a lot of heart searching I reached a decision, (it was in the Autumn of 2008) and that was when I walked across the floor to join the Conservative Party and instantly was able to attract thousands of pounds of investment into Monkmoor, something that Labour had not done in the 19 years that they held the seat before I was elected. Six months later it was election time again and once again the electorate voted me in as their representative on both Town and Unitary Councils, something I have been honoured to do. During this past seven and a half years I have gained the knowledge of how to get things done who to see to get things sorted and who to seek advice from on both Councils. I became Deputy Mayor of Shrewsbury in 2010/11 and then Mayor of Shrewsbury in 2011/12; it was a busy two years of almost none stop engagements and special visits. Click on the following link to go to my Mayors Blog Site to see what we did and where we went and who we met. Thank you: .

Being the Mayor of Shrewsbury helped me to get a greater understanding of the management side of running a Council, how man management is key to getting the things done swiftly and I introduced a “no blame culture” after all we are a team, elected member and Council staff as one. Understanding the Budgets the reduced income from Government yet still keeping the Council Tax at zero increase is all about teamwork and it takes time to learn. Yet throughout that two years I was able to commit myself to the same committees as I have always been on as well as work for the residents of Monkmoor, I only missed one scheduled meeting due to a Mayoral duty and that was because of a Royal visit. It was hard but I enjoy hard work, always have and always will.

It can take a new member six months to get trained up on all of the rules and laws etc, plus time to find your way around the Guildhall, Shirehall and all of the other town halls within the County as well as those other satellite offices we have dotted around. That is before they can start to become an effective Councillor.

So the advice I give is from past experiences, I was also a senior shop steward and works convener and negotiated at National Level for the Unions, going through  Trade Union College at the time Margaret Thatcher was in power. I also represented people at tribunals who were wrongly sacked or wrongfully treated within the workplace. As stated before I have seen all sides of all three political Parties.

I am a governor at Belvidere Secondary School, trustee on the Gorsuch, Langley and Prynce Charity, trustee Berwick Arms Houses, trustee Shrewsbury Shop Mobility, executive member on Shrewsbury Business Chamber, member of the Shrewsbury BID Committee, member of the Zutphen Twinning Committee, member of the Shrewsbury in Bloom Committee, member of the Shrewsbury and Shropshire Waterways and Leisure Group, Destination Shrewsbury Committee member, a volunteer Appropriate Adult for The Youth Support Service, run a volunteer Appropriate Adult out of hours service for both juveniles and vulnerable adults (IAAS), volunteer member of the Shropshire Panel Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs), Vice Chairman of the Shropshire Playing Fields Association, County Vice President of the Shropshire Royal British Legion plus work with other voluntary groups.

On Shropshire Council I am a member of the Central Planning Committee, Safer Communities Scrutiny Committee, Substitute on the Strategic Licensing Committee and Lead Member for Public Protection.

On Shrewsbury Town Council I am on the Finance and General Purpose Committee, Sub on the Planning Committee & Recreation and Leisure Committee and member of the Civics Committee.

I am now half way through what my aims are within the Monkmoor Ward and to be honest would like to be able to finish that off and get some more done by being re-elected. The saying “The more you do the more there is to do” applies within the Monkmoor Ward.

Way back in the 1950s I attended Crowmoor School as a young lad, when the prefabs were still opposite the school grounds and when there were just fields where Telford Estate and the Chilterns are now, the other side of Belvidere bridge was Hilda Murrell’s rose nursery, there was now Telford Way or any bridge over the river in those days, boy has it changed. We moved to Abbots Green in the mid 1960’s, when my father was groundsman at Monkmoor Girls School. I moved to my present home in Buttington Road moving from Abbey Foregate in 1996 after we were flooded out three times within six months. As some say you can take the person out of Monkmoor but you can’t take the Monkmoor out of a Monkmoor person. So my roots go back a long way and with that I know what it was like when as a young person in Monkmoor I had acres of space to play and hang out in, these days that open space is very small in comparison and for one I do not want to see any more houses built within the ward. I want more equipment in the play areas for both the very young and for the older youths, I want CCTV in the Upton Lane playing field that is monitored 24/7 and more funding for the Youth Club. I also want the football pitch to be brought back into proper use with changing facilities, as it is one of the best pitches around. Plus many more things done, this can only be done by using Resize Wizard-5funding from other sources as well as from Shropshire Council, like with the new cycle footpath between Galton Drive and Monkmoor Road, same goes for the path across Upton Lane field both done with no cost to the Local Tax Payer.

Yes it is true when I say that I would like to take Politics out of Local Government completely, as far too much time is wasted arguing for bragging rights, instead of working together for the good of the Community.

But that is just a dream I have and it always occurs just before the alarm goes off.

I hope that you have a better understanding of who I am, What I care about and what I would like to do for Monkmoor, Shrewsbury and Shropshire. I do hope that we share that same dream, together we can make dreams come true.

Just a Note:

I felt so proud to be able to return to Crowmoor School as Mayor of Shrewsbury, to be able to tell those young persons in assembly that I was once sitting where they were and they could, one day in the future also become the Mayor of Shrewsbury, if they so wished like I have done. Just to be able to inform them that they are attending a great school with a great history and they should be proud to be a Crowmoor School pupil. ;~))

Thank you for reading this and please come back soon.

Oh remember to: THINK LOCAL & VOTE LOCAL


Posted in BBC Radio Shropshire, Mayor of Shrewsbury official blog, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury BID, Shrewsbury Business Chamber, Shrewsbury Town Council, Shropshire, Shropshire Council, Shropshire Live, Shropshire Star, Uncategorized | Tagged | Leave a comment



I note with great interest that the Labour Party in their manifesto state the following:

“In Shropshire, Labour will:”

”Work towards a Co-operative Council which closely involves residents, staff, stakeholders and other partners for change and collaboration based on proven needs and quality, rather than conflict and selling off our services.”

That causes me and maybe should cause you the Shropshire Residents concern, the reason I personally feel concerned is that those words seem almost the same or the same phrase that the Labour Party in Telford & Wrekin used when they took control of Telford, (it may not be but is it?)  then it took them another few months to explain what and how it would work after constant questions from Eric Smith on BBC Radio Shropshire.  That has ended with the usual raise in Council Tax (1.9% this year or an average of 32p per week per household), loss of an odd bin round & the possible loss off many more jobs, (Radio Shropshire web-site carried this statement on 8th March 2013):

The trade union Unison said it “was not happy” about further job losses but it was in contact with the council to look at alternative ways to make savings. Jonathan Sedgebeer from the Telford branch said: “We’ve had a lot of turmoil already with hundreds of people taking voluntary redundancy in the past two years and the problem is we’re now looking at possible compulsory redundancies.” “We understand the pressures the council is under because of reductions in government funding but further job cuts will seriously affect council services.”

I thought that when you the residents vote, you vote for the person and party who will be strong for you, who will make decisions based on facts as they are at the time (not hindsight politics like the current opposition (both parties) seem to be playing with in their news sheets around the areas as well as in the Council Chamber).

The Labour Group on Shropshire Council use up most of their allocated speaking time laying blame, yet when challenged for just a hint of what they would do, we are met with silence or just more diatribe.

“Soon, virtually all remaining services will be transferred to a private company, IP&E, with the loss of local control and accountability.”

IP&E will always remain under Shropshire Councils control whilst a Conservative Administration is or has been elected into place, by you the residents. As both the Labour Group Leader and Lib Dem Group Leader on Shropshire Council were informed in front of thousands of listeners to BBC Radio Shropshire Jim Hawkins 10 – 11 slot last Wednesday 12th April 2013 you can tune into the show by clicking on the following link and listen to it yourself, as well as other interesting topics that gives some really good listening time. Thank you:

They have handed over services to private companies whose interest is solely to make a profit,

• Serco (leisure services)
• Ringway (highways and street cleansing)
• Veolia (refuse collection and disposal)

Is this to mean that if Labour wins enough seats in the elections on the 2nd May to take over the administration, that they would reverse those decisions and bring all of those above services back in-house?    I don’t think so,

Think East of Shrewsbury where Telford is about to reduce their refuse vehicles and redeploy their staff, altering about 40,000 people’s collection days… Think of their 32p per week increase on Telford & Wrekin Council Tax. Is this the route that the Shrewsbury/Shropshire Labour Party wish to travel.? It is very easy to say what you like when in opposition, but once you take the seat of administration then some of those words can and do come back to haunt many.

My theory is this: If Labour can run articles that in my opinion attack the Conservative Administration, then am I not allowed to ask questions on what I see written and to give answers when and where I can, if I know them.

Or should I stay silent and not try and help the electorate have at least some questions if they have a visit from any candidate from any party?

I for one would like the answers to the above, then we would all know. I am not having a go, more asking the question. If some people think that I am having a go in an unfair way, then do you have the answers, please share. As I have stated many times before and not wanting to sound like a broken record. I just would like some answers, then let the debate begin. Otherwise I become the cynic again, and who can blame me for that happening?

Resize Wizard-1may



Thanks for taking time to read my blog.

Hope you will keep coming back. :~))





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I note that both of the opposition parties seem to question the administration and that is good, but they do not seem to say what they would do differently to put right what they obviously feel that what we are doing is wrong. I just don’t get it. I mean if I wish to inform someone that I think what they are doing is different from my point of view, I will share that information, or explain what I do not understand, and if they can convince me that they have a workable plan then fine. If on the other hand I get a one sided form of what everything is wrong then I would not want to vote for them as it might be that their forward plans are not that well thought out or varies a great deal from my desires…

So I have had a go at my own party the Conservatives, I have had a go at the Labour Party, So quite right for me to have a go at the Lib Dem Party. Well I do not think of it as having a go, more of asking questions that some people might like to know the answers to. So here is what I felt like looking at the Lib Dem campaign and their web-site.

The Lib/Dems give me just one example that I could find, (there may be others but I could not find any,) they said that the administration should spend some of the £40 million pounds that the Authority have in reserves. Good point so we ask back, what would happen if we had a series of disasters on our hands, such as flash floods sweeping bridges away, that has of course happened all to often in the past few years in other parts of the Country as well as in this County, and so on, but at least there is or would be an open debate and people could judge for themselves who has the most robust and sustainable plan in place to cover such costs.

The Lib/Dems would of more than likely have spent most of that reserve money on a scheme that benefited some for a maximum of twelve months, so when the cash ran out those who benefited would all of a sudden lose out, not to mention there would be little or no money left in reserve depending on the need of that emergency.

LOOK BEYOND THE INTERNET as I cant find the answer on it.

The below is cut and pasted from the Lib Dem Shropshire web-site. The reason I have gone to the Shropshire site and not the Shrewsbury web-site is that there is nothing posted on it that I can find since December 2012, oh you can go to the Chairman’s Blog page but that is in my opinion just one big yawn, just like mine :~))

The Liberal Democrats are now the only party that can deliver social justice. We are the only choice for anyone who wants a fairer Britain.
“We will put money back in the pockets of ordinary families. We will build a stable, green economy for each and every one of us. We will change politics so that every person counts.”
You can find out more, including how to keep in touch or join the Liberal Democrats, on this site.

So I thought YES I have found what their plans for the future of Shropshire, was going to be. But alas it was short lived. Why? Well just by the wording it appears to me that it has come from their own National Web-Site, The next line down on their page to me tells me everything about the Lib Dems at this time and in this election. It reads:
Secrecy in Shropshire
I know it is meant to be part of another story of theirs about Shropshire Council and the Conservative Administration but I have been searching for their Manifesto and I am befuddled if I can find it anywhere on any of their local sites. Therefore I decided to use their words, to back up my question. So any Lib Dem activists out there who read my Blog please feel free to inform me where I can find it.
Otherwise I have to assume no use of wrong word (as my mother taught me to never assume anything), I will believe that that there is no real team working together to attempt such a document as a Manifesto. It also seems that all Lib Dem Councillors are free agents, with no team orders, all going around doing their own thing, saying whatever the people want to hear and then do otherwise. It is just like it appears in the Chamber at Full Council. They do seem to have gone far beyond any direction out of Shrewsbury and Shropshire if it comes to that. Many it seems to me like to hear their own voice and use the time allowance in Full Council to hear them. Plus they shout how the Government has caused such heartache for many and complain about the cuts, yet they or their party are in coalition and hold some loyalty to their Party, should they not? But no they can’t see that their Party hold the balance in Westminster, yet still it has not sunk in.

I could become a cynic and think that they all (all parties) get up on their feet to talk hoping to get a little bit of media coverage as and when the press are there, like always. Headlining, Strong words to create a reaction, hence the press love the rhetoric and afterwards seek out those who made the loudest remarks for their quotes, hence they then appear in the following days newspaper, at least it shows their electorate that they attended I suppose, but then that’s me the cynic.

Come on Lib Dems if Labour and the Conservatives can have a web-site that we can view the manifesto from why cant you? Or is it there and I just can not see it? At least your supporters should be able to view it. Please tell me where I can find it please.

I will never have a personal go at any of the candidates who I am standing against, or any elected member, as this goes against my very strong principles. I also respect their choice of political party and their right to stand. (That’s what I have basically fought for during my adult years). I will on the other hand have a go at any Local Party even my own if I feel, (once again in my opinion) that there is something that justifies this. This also applies with the National Parties and once again I mean all including my own, as if you are not allowed or are shouted down for questioning their policies then there is no way any of them can gauge what people feel. We may not like it but one should be able to hold any political party to account. In the Council you have Scrutiny Committees etc that allow some form of questioning and accountability, but the wider public should also have a format to do the same.images12

Awaiting a response


Posted in BBC Radio Shropshire, Mayor of Shrewsbury official blog, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury BID, Shrewsbury Business Chamber, Shrewsbury Conservatives, Shrewsbury Town Council, Shropshire Star | Tagged | Leave a comment



An old saying. Please Sir can I be in charge, oh Please Sir let me be in charge, after a while it got that bad that he let them take charge, very soon afterwards the same voice only very muted said please sir what do I do next?

Why is it that many of Labours Town Wide Newsletters concentrate on National Politics and very little space given over to the Local Issues, concerns and problems we all face? My feelings towards some of the Governments policies have been placed on this blog site. As I have to live like everyone else. I live in a Social Housing Association House, believe me I therefore see at first hand many of those problems. I live it, not like my opponents. Rant stops.

I have just been reading the wards latest Labour Community News election sheet. And to quote “Tory Council Cuts and Spending Excesses.” And they give that ten lines of writing, with much scaremongering like” To further outsourcing of local services to IP&E and the selling off of others”

In reply to that statement I can honestly say that as long as we have a Conservative controlled Shropshire Council IP&E will stay in the Councils ownership. As stated live on BBC Radio Shropshire’s Jim Hawkins Show. Please click on the following link to listen to the programme. Thank you:

Why would Labour think we would sell off IP&E?
Well we know that this is a new company, set up due to the Government allowing All Local Authorities to use its workforce/departmental skills to trade for profit in the open market place. It has to be set up as a real and proper company under law, hence we ended up with a new company called IP&E, All staff transferred over with their skills to make a profit, that in the coming years will benefit you the tax payers, by helping to keep the Council Tax down and to help maintain our front line services to our high levels.
So I ask, why set something up and sell it off, when you can make money to offset any more cuts that whatever Government is in power decides to place on us. We are thinking long term benefits for Shropshire, for years to come.
Lets say that we as a Council employed fourteen solicitors all extremely highly qualified in various fields and specialities. Just working on Council issues. Now by being transferred over to IP&E they are allowed to join in partnership with other law firms and combine Council work and outside contracts b
That is just a simple explanation on how it will work with all those that get transferred over in time. I hope that the above explains that one piece of miss information/propaganda in the latest Labour newsletter.

Then it goes on to Local Elections and gives eight lines

I will say this it does give good information, but that is easy to get right.

Then it goes with I quote; “The Bedroom Tax” “Or the Housing Benefit – Under Occupation Penalty It then rattles on to the bottom of the page to be continued overleaf..

In reply I have to state that this is a national government decision not anything that the Local Authority has any input to, and this has fourteen lines given to it, with just one contact number for advice. Yet space to frighten people and not really informing them. Once again I would challenge them in 2015 to inform us if they intend to rebuke this Act and what would they put in its place. As you will be aware from a previous blog post I have some serious concerns about the Housing Benefit Reform Act and have listed those for all to see. Please click on the following link to see my concerns, questions etc. Thank you:

I have yet to read one of these Labour leaflets that have gone out within the Ward with anything stating what the Candidate has done specifically for the Ward or in the Ward within the past four years, since that same person stood against me at the last election. Also there is no mention about what they would be doing for the residents of the ward if they get elected, or what investment they would bring into Monkmoor to make the area better and safer. I will post at a later date what I have been doing for the past four years as well as the three and a half years before Unitary and the four years ground work within the ward before being elected for the first time.

A small test for you all.

Can you name four Labour Councillors that you see or hear about in the press on a regular basis excluding the Leader of the group? There are for your information there are eight Unitary and Town Councillors within the Town Council Area to choose from. Without looking up the answers on the internet etc.

Then there are the Tory Lib/Dem government tax cuts with a question “Is this good news for YOU”? and goes on about reversing this “tax cut worth £100,000 for millionaires, over 13,000 of them” (are they insinuating that there are that many in Shropshire?) and bringing back the 10p starting rate for tax.

What can the Shropshire Council Administration do about it? If it was a Labour Council would they be able to change Central Government policy? I don’t think so. I think they should leave issues like that until 2015. This newsletter has given eighteen lines to this article.
Again trying to sway you the residents away from Local Issues to National Issues to try and get you to vote for them. Why are they doing this, I feel it is because they do not have a clue on what we want and need in Monkmoor, Shrewsbury or Shropshire.
If they did all of their literature would be full of what they would do for the Local Community, but we have nothing about that. In real terms Labour appears to have nothing to say, nothing to offer and therefore nothing to vote for. they have nothing to offer and fear that on the local issues they would lose seats. My opinion.

As Tony Blair has stated today, Labour is moving over to the left to what it was in the past when all that Labour did was shout down everything that the Conservatives did and never came forward with any answers only putting out a negative response, he should know what he is talking about and the Labour leader responded by saying that Labour is moving forward in the direction he wants it to go. Could that be back to the days of strikes and when trade unions ran the Country? I remember because I was a trade unionist in those times and no thank you I do not want my grandchildren to grow up through all of that, once was enough for me. You can find out exactly what he said via the BBC Web-Site, I will leave it at that.

As I keep saying Local Elections are about Local Issues that is what Shropshire Council and Shrewsbury Town Council do, it manages Local areas. Think Local, Vote Local.



Because our paper Recycling bin is getting so full that I think they should have weekly collections when election month is in session, as our normal half full paper recycle bin is now full and another week to go. On-line is the way to go as people who want to read it can and those who don’t won’t fill their recycle bins so quickly! Now I sound like the Green Party and yes we are a great recycling family.

Posted in BBC Radio Shropshire, Mayor of Shrewsbury official blog, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury BID, Shrewsbury Business Chamber, Shrewsbury Conservatives, Shrewsbury Town Council, Shropshire, Shropshire Council, Shropshire Live, Shropshire Playing Fields Assn, Shropshire Star, Uncategorized | Leave a comment



 Monkmoor Post Office, 178 Monkmoor Road, Shrewsbury. SY2 5BH

The Post Office is delighted to inform you that in agreement with the Sub Postmaster, they are changing the above branch to one of their new style branches.

What will this mean to you the customer?

  • A newly refurbished branch providing a modern environment for you the customer.
  • The same products and services
  • Longer opening hours
  • Selected Post Office services will be available at the retail counter during shop opening hours.

Your new Post Office is scheduled to open at the current location on Thursday 2nd May 2013. at 09:00 – it will  need to close for refurbishment on Monday 22nd April 2013 at 17:30. Below are details of other Post Office branches in the area that customers can use whilst refurbishment takes place.

Posters are up in the Post Office, but not everyone will notice it hence my idea of posting it on the Blog.

The New opening times after the 2nd May 2013 are as follows:

  • Monday to Friday 08:00 – 19:00
  • Saturday               08:00 – 18:00
  • Sunday                  Closed

In the refurbished Post Office they are installing a Hearing Loop.

There will be three serving positions and a Post office serving point at the retail counter available during shop opening hours.

Other Post Offices open within the area or at least the two closest are:

Abbey Foregate Post Office, 166 Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury. SY2 6AL.

SentinalGardens Post Office, 69 Whitchurch Road, Shrewsbury. SY1 4EE




Thank you for reading this and I hope that it has been of help to those who use it and did not realise what was going to happen, enabling all to arrange alternative arrangements during refurbishment.

Please click on the following link to see resize-wizard-26poand read about the official opening of the newly refurbished and extended store called “BEST ONE” where the Post office is located. The Post Office at this time was not part of the store refurbishment meaning many positive changes have now taken place over that past eighteen months. Thank you:

 Thank you  Tony

Please click on the following link to take you to the Shropshire Live Web-Site. Thank you:

Please click on the following link to go to the Shropshire Star Web-Site. Thank you:

Please click on the following link to take you to the BBC Radio Shropshire  Web-Site. Thank you

Please click on the following link to go to the ShrewsburyNJ Web-site. Thank you:



I am sorry for the delay in getting this posted but my BT line, Broadband and BT Vision have gone down due to a fault in the Network, they said it might be the 17th April before it is fixed. I am just glad that BT are not employed by the Royal Navy on HMS Talant otherwise it would never put to sea, let alone me being at the controls hundreds of feet under the sea, as we were twelve months to this weekend. Five days to find a fault and fix it? they either want to employ more engineers or something. Its not the employees fault but those who are in charge. Anyway I have found a way around this frustrating delay and now back on with force. So keep an eye on this Blog as over the next few days I have a few days of pent up frustration that has already been written and awaiting posting.

Sorry for the rant but like you all I am just someone who wants a service if you are paying for it. Just like the Council you want us to give you a service and be honest if we don’t.



Posted in BBC Radio Shropshire, Mayor of Shrewsbury official blog, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury BID, Shrewsbury Business Chamber, Shrewsbury Conservatives, Shrewsbury Town Council, Shropshire, Shropshire Council, Shropshire Live, Shropshire Playing Fields Assn, Shropshire Star, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment



Did anyone listen to Jim Hawkins on Radio Shropshire this morning? No well he had in the studio the leaders of the three main parties, he questioned them on many subjects. I will list down some of the questions and answers, they are not in the order that they were on the show. I will try to make it simple and correct as always. This is just a sample to wet the apatite.

Q1, What are your feelings on wind turbines and wind farms?

A,  Keith Barrow Conservative, I think that they have a place to be, but not on land, they should be out at sea. I feel that too much money is given in subsides for them and that should stop in favour of Solar power where people get the most benefit. With wind turbines if the wind don’t blow then you don’t generate any electricity so you still need a back up to supply the power when the wind drops to low to generate, also the same thing happens if the wind speed is too high, a waste of money and effort. The government show wake up to this now.

A, Alan Moseley Labour. I am a walker and I don’t like wind farms but that should not stop them.

When challenged on this he finally accepted he was for them.

A, Nigel Hartin Lib/Dems I am against them, but if they get the go ahead I feel that the power lines should go underground, it’s a fact of life and we have to live with them no matter how I feel against them.

Q2, Are you the administration going to privatise the so called IP&E or any other Council department.

A, Keith Barrow, Absolutely not we will never do that we may have outside investors joining in partnership but Shropshire Council will always retain 51% of the company.

When asked if that stood even if another party came to power after Ma 2nd, Keith Barrow stated that he could not say what another party would do if that should happen but I guarantee that it will stay with us if we are returned after the elections.

A, Alan Moseley, he just responded with the normal diatribe against anything the Tory administration had done. accusing the administration of privitisation.

A, Nigel Hartin did not have an opinion on the matter.

Q3, Why did you have a consultant paid over £380,000  to do a job that maybe could have been done by your own officers, and is it not a waste of tax payer’s money?

A, Keith Barrows response was that the money spent on this company actually saved the Council over 2 million pounds so it was well spent, and no there was not anyone within the Council able to carry this exercise out, if there had been we would have been foolish not to have done it internally.

A, Alan Moseley I have not seen any figures to back your statement up why is that.

Keith Barrow’s response was I have told you in    Council to go and see our accounts chief and he will show you the figures, but you never had, frightened because I am right, or words to that effect.

A, Nigel Hartin appeared to have no response to add to this

Q4, put by a phone call from UKIP If I was in charge I would look at ever job and starting from the top I would reduce those in senior posts and then the middle management but you should not touch those who work on the front lines.

A, Keith Barrow we at Shropshire Council have reduced the top posts and two have left as they did not wish to apply for a new position as it was about £30,000 a year less than they were getting in their old job, so we have already lost the Chief Exec and other senior managers and directors so we have done that to protect the front line. The UKIP man stated he was working at Telford and Wrekin in a consultant’s role to reduce head count.

Not surprising that neither Nigel Hartin nor Alan Moseley responded to UKIP on this that is worthy of taking my time to type out.

I must add that the UKIP spokesman for their party did not know or understand Shropshire Council as he worked for Telford & Wrekin, but was adamant that he knew exactly what he or his party would do, almost his words as he said it. I thought he meant if they get the power there would be mass redundancies, just how I felt at the time on hearing him talk.

There were many other questions and I was not surprised and was a little bored by the same diatribe coming from both the Lib/Dem and Labour camps. As I always say it is easy to criticise when you are in opposition and therefore not answerable to anyone for what you say. It is always easier to say well you are doing this or that wrong if you don’t have to actually find an alternative that is both viable and sustainable. I could do that all week, and both Lib/Dem and Labour do exactly that each and every week, with the very odd exception when a Lib/Dem member will put forward something that we will work with them on, but at this moment I honestly cant remember when or what it was about, sorry I should have but have had many sleeps since then!

Please click on the following link if you want to listen to that show via the BBC Radio Shropshire Listen again page thank you:

You will hear near enough what I have written only in full and with the heated cross talking that always makes good radio. Worth while spending a little time and amuse yourself, unless you are either Nigel, Alan or Keith and then it is embarrassment time!

Note Alan Moseley did in the Shropshire star call Keith Barrow and the administration when the Chief Exec and other top people left as, a crazy mess, the Tories don’t know what they are doing, and who will run the Council etc etc. now it appears that the Labour led Telford and Wrekin Council are doing the same.

Yet once again I have to say this: Labour Councillors at Shropshire Council continue to say what we should not be doing and that seems like everything we do, yet they, when asked can never come up with any alternative whatsoever why? What is their great secret? Are they afraid to say something like we will raise council tax, like Telford and Wrekin have done to try and work within budget.

The Lib Dems did come up with a plan, they wanted to spend the 30 million reserve budget on one years worth of freebees (Bus Pass holders would have no time restriction, car parking charges, and stuff for the South West and West of the County) (their main stronghold of seats) to the residents and then after the year what happens? We are 30 million down and those freebees would be removed, and no reserves for emergencies such as flooding or explosions like we have experienced in the not to distant past. So an idea yes but not sustainable.

On this subject I must say that the way Keith Barrow and the rest of the Tory members have exceeded what many of the faithful felt could be achievable. The replacement in type of the Chief Exec to Clive Wright and the way the two have built a strong willing team, who by the way have been in large recruited from within the Council are doing a great job, one that is continually being challenged by more cuts in budget from Central Government, the new structure is focused, keeps all staff informed, listens to those who wish to have a say. All being done at a much lower cost wage wise than the opposition said it could be done.

Look at IP&E We got a fantastic Chief Exec for less than half the price the opposition said we could and even many employment agencies said we would need to pay over £100,000 for someone, but no we got the right person for the right money, as the administration of Shropshire Council (the Conservatives) are aware that it is you the tax payers money we are spending and we have to be prudent with it. I hope you agree with what I have said.

Hope this entry in my post was not to long winded but I felt I needed to let off some pressure and after this mornings Jim Hawkins Show I knew what I had to do, one of his better shows as it did show who had their finger on the pulse and those who lacked conviction with how to move forward if they ever got the power.

An old saying comes to mind when I listen to both Labour and the Lib/Dems. Please Sir can I be in charge, oh Please Sir let me be in charge, after a while it got that bad that he let them take charge, very soon afterwards the same voice only very muted said please sir what do I do next? 

Thanks for taking the time to read this and please forward it to your friends especially those who live in and around Monkmoor area.


Fellow bloggers, I have been asked by Alan Moseley to make an apology for a statement that was in one of my editorials on the Conservative web-site, where I stated that I had been implicated in a Labour article of being in receipt of extra payments for my position as Lead Member, where in fact the article that I had been upset about and I had misread was from their Meole Brace Newsletter and was in fact aimed at a female Deputy Portfolio holder who along with a number of others have quite correctly been awarded an extra allowance of around £2,000 per year. This was set by the Independent remuneration panel. I am sorry that I in my tired state got it wrong, but I am only human and am willing to hold my hands up when I am wrong, unlike many.


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